After extensive biological and anatomical testing, I regret to announce that our findings are… inconclusive. This thing may or may not be human.

I’m 30 now, and with age comes a sense that I have been falling behind on my creative projects, be they writing or otherwise. It’s not so much a sense as it is the ability to read the giant list of “Things I will blog about”, some of which are now a year overdue, and look about the house and see a number of started and quasi-abandoned projects: apparently the act of making a list does not actually move me toward the end goal. Moments of adulthood and stick-to-it-tiveness come in fits and spurts, and I might be in the middle of one now.

In December, I made a Sasquatch spoon rest and indicated that I’d post a picture of it once it had been fired. BLAM.


Mostly, it’s shinier. I hope you weren’t holding your breath this whole time!

The easiest thing down, only 35 more items on my “to blog” list, a table to varnish, cushions to dye, and an assload of napkins to sew and embroider, plus exciting day-to-day tasks like cleaning, laundry, errands that should be fast but somehow take forever, an internship to do, a home business to start, a wedding to plan, and potentially a new paying job on the line. Holy monkeySasquatch!

1 Comment After extensive biological and anatomical testing, I regret to announce that our findings are… inconclusive. This thing may or may not be human.

  1. Holly Folly May 7, 2012 at 1:04 pm

    You can just do what I do when I have too many projects and not enough time, (and considering I live on a hobby farm, that time is all the time) and caffeinate myself silly. Sleep is for nonproductive poeple.

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